Hinckley Park, Leicestershire

Infrastructure and S278 works for a new 82-acre employment park and design and construction of the first two distribution warehouses Unit 2, and Hub 5.

IM Properties appointed Winvic to undertake both the infrastructure and S278 works for a new 82-acre employment park located adjacent to Junction 1 of the M69 in Hinckley, Leicestershire, and to design and construct the first two distribution warehouses Unit 2, and Hub 5 for occupier DPD UK.

At a glance

  • Project value: £61.7m (combined)
  • Client: IM Properties
  • End-user: DPD
  • Architect: UMC Architects / BHA Architecture
  • Engineer: Couch Perry Wilkes / Caunton
  • Programme: Sequenced

Infrastructure Works

Infrastructure works to construct a new private highway (to adoptable standards) to form a new roundabout junction along Watling Street up to a new internal site roundabout between zones 2 & 3, along with all associated drainage, earthworks, retaining walls, building plots, landscaping, lighting and service coordination works.

Section 278 Works

Contracted by Highways England to design and construct a new highway and roundabout located on Watling Street on the A5 (requiring Highways England adoption).

Unit 2

Following on from the infrastructure and S278 works at Hinckley Park for IM Properties, Winvic was appointed to design and construct Unit 2, a new 532,500 sq ft high bay distribution warehouse with ancillary offices, service yards, car parking, drainage and internal and external  services.

Hub 5 (DPD)

Winvic was also appointed to develop a new 39 acre super-hub (Hub 5) for parcel giant DPD Group UK Limited at Hinckley Park. When operational, the new parcel sortation facility will handle some 71,000 parcels an hour making it Europe’s largest automated parcel hub.

DPD Hub 5 Hinckley Park Regional Distribution Centre

Site location

Think we can help you?

To discuss an upcoming project, please get in touch with Danny Cross in our Business Development team at dannycross@winvic.co.uk or call 01604 678960.