The Future of Modern Construction – Our Commitment to BIM

Our 2,000 sq ft Centre for Innovative Construction (CIC) facilitates interactive experiences within design models, from clash detection and dimensional design checks to spatial awareness assessment and data asset information retrieval. Our team, consultants and suppliers can make live design changes via 86” smart screens in the interactive design meeting room, or remotely, and projects can then be instantly viewed in three dimensions in the Building Information Modelling CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment, more simply known as the BIM CAVE. The 3D headset and controller allows the BIM CAVE user to travel around a site or building and others can view their experience on the 125” screen.
While there is an obvious benefit to clients wanting to envisage their schemes, the facility also transforms the contractor experience; challenging elements of the programme can be appreciated in a virtual environment before undertaking on site. Additionally, key points of information and augmented reality visuals can be retrieved from the cloud with a simple click or via a QR code, meaning members of the team always have the points of reference needed by simply having a smartphone in their pocket. Similarly, we are placing QR codes within finished buildings so the people who work in and manage the buildings we create can access pertinent manual information or other online content effortlessly.
Client Benefits
- Experience projects and design options in virtual reality to make faster decisions
- Understand the construction timeline with 4D videos
- Visualise solutions to challenges from as early as the tender process
- Removes the need to download cumbersome, large video, text or CAD files
- Modifications can be made instantly, shortening processes from weeks to a single day
- Design manuals hosted in the cloud, eradicating hard copy information of up to 40 folders
Staff and Supply Chain Benefits
Winvic’s approach to digital knowledge and education is reflected in the CIC’s study and training facilities, which all subcontractors are welcome to utilise. All employees have been upskilling in preparation for our state-of-the-art technological offering and we are frequently creating specialist positions in this area. The space is allowing Winvic design staff to train more creatively than ever and improve their skills to effect and assess client changes more rapidly than ever.
- 3D visualisations of stages and challenges enhance on site activities and deliver time savings
- Virtual life building installation allow trades to coordinate and obtain special awareness
- Health and safety training is undertaken using virtual reality imagery – from fire safety to the imagining of working in an enclosed space
Funding and Research
Winvic is one of the contractors sharing a pot of government funding – the £5m Research Leaders programme – that aims to transform the construction industry through digital technology. The firms are all part of four different projects to win funding under the £5m Research Leaders programme announced by UK Research & Innovation. Winvic is supporting a project run by Professor Lukumon Oyedele at the University of West England – Integrating Conversational AI and Augmented Reality with BIM for faster and collaborative onsite Construction Assemblage (Conversational-BIM) – that aims to integrate conversational artificial intelligence (AR) and augmented reality (AR) with BIM for faster onsite assembly.
Simply put, Professor Lukumon is developing a voice activated headset that will allow BIM CAVE users to speak to 3D models – “take me to the third floor” – and when perfected, construction teams will be able to use such digital helmets on site so 3D plans can be referred to while undertaking activities. We are passing on our model data to help research become a reality and we will be one of the first companies to test the new technology.